Happy Friday loves, we made it!
It has been a crazy busy, intense time for me here in NYC. Perhaps for you as well.? As the political ambiance fades into the surreal, I am struck with the need to organize, - can you relate?-
and to distract. So I have been dressing up and seeing friends, gazing up, whenever I can, from the rooftop terrace.
Today I am wearing a mash-up between Gucci, H&M, and Marks&Spencer
The skirt is from last year, and I have to confess, the midi length is not optimal for me, unless I am wearing towering heels. But is has pockets! But I wore want I wanted , and this is the result. I got my cool bomber jacket from Marks & Spencer, a site that I am loving because it's products are seldom seen in the USA, are well priced, and just a bit ahead, style wise , than comparable US mid-level stores.
The outfit is not so crazy expensive because the jacket was well priced and was 20% off. The sweater , which is sold out now, was also very inexpensive and well made from the kids department. A similar sweater is here. Further, my gorgeous silk and crystal bag was thrifted for $12. USD in Long Island at LVIS. My skirt from H&M, was also inexpensive. The boots, were pricey, but I love them. Really, Love Love Love them. Gucci is killing it this season!
Also, can you see the woman behind me with the over the knee boots and shopping bags, and perfectly cut hair. I love that women really dress up in this city. I know she is faded into the background, but these are the lovely creatures that populate my neighborhood. Rock on!
Now, more than ever, is the time to embrace beauty, whether it is dressing a certain way, or artfully presenting a dinner plate, or buying fresh flowers for your bedroom. Now is the time to wander outside and notice the sunset or sunrise, the ribbons of colors that thread the sky at dusk and dawn, and the majestic buildings of the city's landscape. Oh, the long shadows they cast this time of year!
If you live in a rural place you can see the sunset without any obstruction, the wavy bend of the grasses, giving way to winter, and the blanching of leaves in warm autumnal tones. Breathe it in.
Now is the time to take stock and pull your loved ones in, closely.
Sorry for the sudden shift into the world outside fashion, but these days are so charged with change, and ambiguity. I could not be me, without saying something of this. Back to my outfit... A shot of my thrifted bag, a bit of the trim from my jacket, and the texture of the car which I liked in this shot.
Below a a close up of my vintage Gucci sunnies. I love the reflection that you can see in them. I am not wearing make-up other than lipstick, so please forgive my bare face and less than perfect braids.
I wish you a good and peaceful weekend; a joyous one, filled with love and warmth.