I have natural tendency to embellish. I strive to have things appear as good, as beautiful, as pleasing, as they possibly can. This affects all aspects in my life. I am good at it; it is part of my temperament to see what is good and to emphasize that.

Sometimes, though, the simple and minimal is more pleasing, or an altogether different vibe. Below, the other half of me, sans "big hair ". Simple, no embellishment!

It is interesting to me that this simpler side is my favorite of the two, but maybe because my embroidered dress stands on its own. Maybe the cityscape behind me, although it is ordinary, looks good to my eye, with the many flags in front of Bloomingdale's.
The many flags in front of Bloomingdale's flagship store, reminds me that this city I live in, embraces all, and I treasure that ideal. I hold it close in these times.
Below a shot taken by my dear friend. Just a few snaps and this photoshoot was done. No fuss. But I think you can see that my smile is genuine. I am happy to be relatively well and approaching another birthday . ( 59) I was showered with gifts by my friends, the chocolates from Russia that I am holding in my hands is one of them. I hope she knows that her friendship is the REAL gift, the one I treasure most.

The bag I am carrying is a gift from last year from another dear friend. It has two sides, one is simple smooth leather, the other is a jazzy, patent leather that is like a hologram. It is by Sonia Rykiel. Funny, that it also has two sides, and that appears to be the theme of this post- as it spills out of my head and onto this page.
So that theme, that we are two selves, or more, is central to my being. We are, all of us, light and dark, light and shadow. Good and evil.
The way ahead is bright and safe, and dark and treacherous; fraught with uncertainty in any event. To a certain extent, we can choose a side.
--We can choose to see the best around us, to see the best ahead of us, and to see the best in each of us. We can be REAL, and do that, and I think we owe ourselves, and our world, the benefit that comes from such hope. It is not pointless optimism. It may be our best way forward in a world that is tangled with discord. The discord is hiding the beauty, and see must not forget to look behind this ugly curtain, and see it. We must know it is there.--
So back to the trivial, the blessed mundane that holds value, too, in our lives as much as novelty, perhaps more so. Below the embroidery, the embellishment , from a dress that was thrifted, left behind- in a way- and bought by me for $10.00. The proceeds support battered women and not a billionaire, and it is my choice to shop there. My vote, with my dollars; to support the light, that I hold dear.
And the jewelry, that is part costume and part precious- who can tell the difference- and who cares really, as it all shines with the same light, a gift from the sun.

I approach another year, and I hope to inspire my readers to be their best selves. Everything we do has a consequence. Lets honor style with that simple social contract, and let the light in as much as we are able.
And P.S. - I am not a saint, I would be more tempted by Zara and other fast fashion outlets, if the lines were not so long! The clothes are fabulous. Still I shop small , second hand and local as much as possible. Oh, and I will not judge your either, just presenting a point of view.